To enable members to expand their education and knowledge via courses as valuable tools to attain successful goals and present a professional image to the public and local municipalities.
What is the National PHP designation?
The National PHP designation is a national, education-based certification program designed to recognize the high level of knowledge and professionalism among the designation holder. It is sponsored and overseen by the National Real Estate Investor’s Association (National REIA).
Why obtain the National PHP designation?
Only persons completing the educational requirements will be permitted to hold themselves out to the public as a National Professional Housing Provider.
The designee will be recognized in the form of an award certificate and the right to use the designation, and should recognize that having a basic education in the topics outlined will increase his or her ability to reach their goals in real estate investing.
Further, as National REIA works to make the National PHP designation more recognizable, it is hoped that the National PHP holders will have an advantage in dealing with legal and governmental bodies when a “my word against his” situation occurs. It will also aid in encouraging legislators to think of educated investors as a larger group for political action.
Other tangible benefits, including discounts on courses and educational materials, may be added as the program develops.
The course of study will be divided into 43 clock hours of core courses and 17 hours of elective topics for a total of 60 hours of formal education.
Appraisal – Management – Contract Law – Ethics – Fair Housing – Law – Finance –
Inspections – Landlord Tenant Law – Marketing – Negotiation – Purchasing – Rehab – Regulations – Tax Law – and much much more
Remaining 17 hours may include further education in any or all of the above topics, approved by the PHP committee.
Members can choose to enroll in the PHP program either Full-time or Part-time.
Full-time individuals may attend the PHP approved programs offered during monthly membership meetings and the programs offered quarterly on Saturdays.
Part-time individuals would work toward earning the PHP designation attending the approved Monday evening programs.
$100.00 Yearly membership dues. An annual paid membership is required to enroll in the PHP program and every year in which PHP certification and training is sought.
$250.00 Matriculation fee is payable before graduation.